Use Tailwind to schedule posts for Pinterest and Instagram the easy way.

Social Media Management | Network with Tailwind

Social Media Management with Tailwind

We all know how important social media management is. If you’re a blogger, an author, or have a business you’re trying to promote, networking is KEY! And learning to schedule is what you’ll unlock with that key.

Two of the more popular social networks are currently Pinterest and Instagram. I know, I know, Facebook is still ranking high on the charts for popularity. And, I haven’t forgotten Twitter (which I love and dive deeper with in How to Grow REAL Social Media Followers).

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BUT, Instagram and Pinterest are visual-based social media networks and our current audience, young and old, are visually stimulated. And, in case you didn’t already know, Instagram is owned by Facebook.

I don’t know about you, but if Facebook – the largest and most popular social media platform available (for now) – sees the importance of investing in picture-based media, we probably should, too. You need to include these in your social media management schedule.

With such a high demand for usage, balancing these two high-profile platforms is a lot of work. That’s where an assistant like Tailwind comes in handy in so many ways.

Pinterest Pitfalls and Instagram Irks

I can spend hours just searching through Pinterest and Instagram, swiping up and clicking likes on the pretty pictures. I’ve done it before. I’m a little ashamed, but I know I’m not the only one.

While it’s fun to just browse pictures, networking our own posts takes a lot of time, let alone setting up and making our own posts. It’s fun, but time consuming work with no real end in-sight… unless you use Tailwind.

Simplify social media management with Tailwind.

I assume we all have other things to do. (I probably could’ve finished writing another chapter of my book if I hadn’t been searching new ways to French-braid.) Organizing and prioritizing our work is a must… and a topic for another blog (hint, hint).

In addition, did you know that the most productive Pinterest profiles will pin 11 pins per day! On Instagram, 1-2 posts is sufficient, so you don’t inundate followers; however, you need to put a lot of energy into crafting a well-written post and image.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to post like that daily. That’s a LOT of work for social media management.

For this reason, we NEED social media scheduling. Unless you want to spend your entire life on Pinterest and Instagram, I recommend Tailwind.

Tailwind will schedule posts for your Pinterest account, and it will post for your Instagram. Though you link these two network separately, there’s a lovely link between the two that feels like a secret relationship. (I’ll explain more below).

Networking the Scheduler

Many social media managers use Tailwind to share their work on Pinterest and Instagram (which you absolutely should do!). However, the tribes are also a great resource to finding new people to follow and get followed by.

I’ve found sooo many more websites and writers to follow through Tailwind just because I’m in their same tribe. Tribe members not only share their own posts and yours, but they regularly post messages within the group, networking more online relationships.

The whole point of social networks is to be social, and Tailwind almost acts like its own social media platform.

Tailwind’s Addicting Free Trial

I found Tailwind’s free trial a great starting point to understanding the platform. It provides more relevant posts and networking with other accounts.

The trial is a perfect introduction into the program. It gives you a little taste of something that you are definitely going to get hooked on. Your free trial is based on 100 scheduled Pins or 30 scheduled Instagram Posts – it is NOT based on a limited number of days.

This gave me plenty of time to test out pins and Instagram posts. I kinda developed a love-hate relationship with the free trial. Once I started using it, I couldn’t stop. It became integral to my social media management plan.

Darn you, Tailwind, for being so addictive!

(I’m sorry! I really LOVE you!)

If you want more information on how to become an Instagram master, check out Tailwind’s free Instagram 101 Webinar that will walk you through everything you need to know to become an Instagram Expert.

As most services go, the paid version is always better, as I quickly discovered. And, once I started scheduling, there was no way I couldn’t sign up. It just made my life so much easier. I could schedule posts for weeks, even months in advance!

What You Gain from Tailwind

I know it may seem redundant trying to save yourself time by creating ANOTHER social media related account. It took me a while to understand the perks, too. But, like I said, once I got the hang of it, I couldn’t market without it.

Once you know how it works, scheduling a week’s worth of posts can take less than 5 minutes. It’s a HUGE time-saver.

Check out this infographic for legitimate numbers on your potential ROI (return on investment) with Tailwind.

Perks to using Tailwind:

  • Tribes: Pinterest groups share each other’s pins and are great to find similar bloggers and get your pins shared. Tribes is free for anyone to get started!
  • The SmartSchedule: ANY time is NOT the right time to post. Tailwind creates time slots with the most ideal times to automatically post. Schedule your pins ahead of time and select when your ideal audience is available to see what you post.
  • Instagram/Pinterest Connection: Posts can be swapped from Instagram to Pinterest (much like Instagram posts can be used on Facebook).
  • Networking Other Networks: By finding interesting posts, I found interesting websites. This leads to writers and other forms of social media to follow. It’s a networking rabbit hole worth falling into.
  • Analytics: Tailwind clearly shows the most popular pins of each week. It lets you know which posts are working,  which gives you insights on how to proceed with your next posts.
  • SmartLoop: This is an additional feature in Tailwind that allows user to select particular posts that they would like re-shared. You should always re-share your own popular posts after time has passed (as long as that post is still relevant). Social network followers can easily miss your latest blog post the first or even second time it’s shared.
  • Growth: For more savvy social media managers, there are additional SmartLoop and Tribe functionalities that can be purchased through PowerUps. More power is always available… and feels sooo good!)
  • Incentives: Invite someone new to Tailwind and they’ll get a Free Month of Tailwind Plus! Best of all, you’ll get a $15 credit each time your gift is redeemed!

In addition, when you sign up, you also get the weekly email tips for using Tailwind to the best advantage. I rely heavily on the tutorials they send out, which are both easy and fun to follow.

Instagram and Pinterest are separate paid subscriptions; however, connecting your accounts is not an additional charge. I started with just the Pinterest subscription, but I can still pin directly from my Instagram. I just can’t schedule for Instagram without paying for it.

Best Practices for Social Media Management

Tailwind is a Pinterest and Instagram Partner. This is why they are able to provide tutorials to improve users’ practices on both social media platforms.

The monthly plan ONLY costs $15 a month while the annual plan costs $119 a year.

That is NOTHING! Do you know how much you’d have to pay someone for social media management on both of these sites? I would know the bill because I AM a social media manager. I have been for the past ten years. (See About Amelia’s Services.).

If you’re a blogger who owns your own website, then you know these prices are a drop in the bucket. Website plugins, annual fees, and security can all add up.

Don’t waste your website’s investment by forgetting to network posts that will achieve your long-term goal – MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC.

That’s why Tailwind’s price is so great. It’s actually affordable and helps achieve your goals.

How much time do you spend on networking your writing brand each day? How often do you post each day?

Do you know the ideal times to post?
Have you tried scheduling your Pinterest and Instagram posts?

Let me know in the comments.

Sign up today for your FREE trial!

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

(This post contains affiliate links, which means I will make a commission at no extra cost to you should you click through and make a purchase.)

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  1. vkahleranderson says:

    I have not been on Instagram, yet, but make should make the opportunity to brave the site. As always, you give helpful tips. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Instagram is a fun platform if you enjoy pictures and videos. I suggest taking a look at it to see if it interests you or your brand.
      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  2. […] or tweeting for the 10th time that day, open a document on your phone and start writing. (see Easy Social Media Management and How I Doubled My Twitter Following for simple networking […]

  3. Marquis Thomas says:

    Thank you for the insight…..very thorough and informative information Amelia. I love how dedicated you are to us readers/writers.

    1. Thank you, Marquis! I appreciate that you took the time to read and comment on my blog. My goal is to help my fellow writers and readers 🙂

  4. […] are so many perks to using Tailwind for easy media management (read Easy Social Media Management with Tailwind to learn […]

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