Book Reviewing

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It is said that you can’t be a good writer if you aren’t a reader. I write book reviews in hopes of inspiring some discussions to open minds of ways to interpret the same stories and different ways to express emotions with varying writing styles.

Reading is the ultimate adventure.
Reading provides limitless possibilities.

As a literature major, you learn that half the fun of reading a book is discussing that story afterward. In the reviews I write and the videos I conducted, I hope to continue those discussions so we can enlighten each other.

There’s nothing gained in arguing, but there’s everything to gain when fellow readers and writers listen to each other’s different points of view.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, I recommend watching my old video book reviews on Vimeo. I’m not proud, just awkward. I’d like to take up new video-making, but I don’t know if I have enough courage to continue what I’d started years ago.

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I also discuss books on all of my social networking platforms, so feel free to follow/friend me on any of those. I love making bookish friends.

Why writers need to read - to develope better writing practices and support the writing community.

Why We Read

Writing is an art form, and within every art form there is a community of like-minded artists to learn from and share with.

Now as a writer, I like to say this bookworm has evolved into a writing butterfly (as cheesy as that may sound). I learn from the books I read to become a better writer… and to just appreciate the artistry and skill of more accomplished writers than myself.