Meet Joanna White | Author Interview
AMA: Indie authors can have it rough. But, what do you enjoy most about independent publishing?
JW: In these few areas, self-publishing is a bit easier, but I prefer traditionally published…
Creative Writer, Editor, Copywriter
AMA: Indie authors can have it rough. But, what do you enjoy most about independent publishing?
JW: In these few areas, self-publishing is a bit easier, but I prefer traditionally published…
have what could be considered, a near-perfect dad. He is the Mr. Fix-It of everything – sacrificing what little free time he had to fix everyone’s car in our family, whether he was sick or trying to enjoy a holiday.
May’s free audible books from Amazon were quite impressive. I enjoyed the fantasy, warrior women in Black Crow, White Snow and the young adult performance, The Mystery of Alice.
“The Growth of the Tree of Mater” is based on Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher.” I tried to copy the structure used in Poe’s piece, his tone, and even his style of writing and describing scenes. I wanted to capture his voice.
Bright lights, party music, and tumbling drunks on the sidewalk of modern civilization can be a cold splash of water to the face after viewing the relaxing, heart-stopping plunge into the wilderness.