Writing may be a solo job, but editing and getting published is a team effort. There are different author resources available, depending on how you’ve been published or what stage in the publishing process you are in.

If you’re published and need to promote your books, there are a few ways to market yourself:
- Book Reviews
- Author Interviews
- Networking Community
If you’re in the pre-published stages, you need support to get your work underway. Agents and publishers want clean work that intrigues the reading community. That’s where a prep team comes in handy:
- Beta Readers
- Editors
- Book Designers
- Audio Narrators
Communities are great even for published authors. You can gain more readers for your books, as well as make awesome writing friends as your career evolves.
This list of author resources is a constant work in process and will be updated regularly.
Beta Readers
Outside opinions are essential, prior to submitting to agents or publishing houses. Before you submit yourself to mass rejections, beta readers will let you know whether your book is good enough.
- Amelia Marina Albanese: Amelia’s Writing Workshop— Genre Focus: contemporary, speculative fiction, young adult, romance, paranormal/fantasy
- Izzy Grace — Genre Focus: any and all genres with a preference romances though
- Kat Betts: Element Editing — Ask for specific genre.
- Kelly Ann Gonzales: Ask for specific genre.
Every writer needs an outsider’s opinion to correct their work. EVERY writer. Even professional writers and editors need somebody else to look at their work and catch our own mistakes we’re blind to.
- Alyse Bailey, manuscript editor:
- Instagram: @alysebaileywriter
- Amelia Marina Albanese, Amelia’s Writing Workshop — Genre Focus: contemporary, speculative fiction, young adult, romance, paranormal/fantasy
- Izzy Grace — Genre Focus: any and all genres with a preference romances though
- Isobelle Lans — fiction writer, editor and book coach
- Katie L. Tyler — manuscripts, books, scientific documents, etc. (Ask about specific genre)
- Kat Betts, Element Editing— Ask for specific genre.
- Kelly Ann Gonzales: Ask for specific genre.
- Taiylor R. Wallace, Sonder Editing — Genre Focus: most anything fiction, but more fantasy, thrillers, and horror
Book Cover and Web Designers
Despite the old saying, yes, people do judge books by their covers. Whether you’re an indie author or published mainstream, be picky with your cover designs. A good cover can make all the difference in making a sale.
- Designolio — book cover and web designers (Save $10 with this link!)
- Rica Sketches — sketched book cover designs
Audiobook Narrators
There’s more than one way to read a book and today, you need to make your book available in different formats to reach as many readers as possible. Choosing a good narrator that meets your book’s needs is as important as choosing a cover that compliments your story.
- Esther Wane: Ask for specific needs.
Book Reviewers
After your book is published, the best way to sell more books is word-of-mouth. You need recommendations from other readers to tell the masses to read your story. You need book reviews.
- Amelia Marina Albanese, Amelia’s Writing Workshop — Genre Focus: contemporary, speculative fiction, young adult, romance, paranormal/fantasy
- Annanya | Bookstagrammer
- Goodreads: Anannya (anusree_reads)
- Quill Pen News— Genre Focus: historical romance, science fiction, non- fiction, thrillers (not too bloody or violent), literary fiction
- Witchinglybookish
- @witchinglybookish
- Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/WitchinglyBookish
Author Support Groups/Community
Both aspiring and published authors need a community to support them. If you’re not published, a community will lift you up when you struggle with rejection letters. A community will be there to congratulate you when you’re published. They’ll be excited to read your book(s) when they’re published. In addition, a community is one of the best author resources because they will offer advice in your publishing journey.

- Benjamin Britworth, podcast for writers
- The Writing Community Chat Show
- Kiss- Ass Author’s Club
- Insta: @kickassauthorsclub
- Etsy: KAACCo on Etsy
- Spirit Books for Authors: “A new App for Author, Agents, and Publishers”
- Insta: @SpiritBooksApp
- Sadie Faith: She offers writing workshops and support to writers. Her group can be found on Instagram. She focuses on spirituality, sci-fi, and fantasy:
- Insta: @sadies_heart_
Pitching Platforms
While it’s important to know who you’re pitching to, you also need to know where.
- Pitch Wars: https://pitchwars.org/pitmad/#hashtags
Get on the List
If you offer a relevant service to authors and would like your website listed on the Author Resource page, please contact me.